Monday, November 9, 2009

Short Answers

What's better, butter or cheese?
Serenity: cheese
Andrew: cheese; cause me like cheese

How are donuts made?
Serenity: some are made with sprinkles, some have chocolate, and some are powdered.
Andrew: like a circle

Why do the trees change colors in the Fall?
Serenity: first they turn green then they turn, red, yellow, and then they fall so new leaves can come
Andrew: cause me like those...hmmm ???

What do broccoli, carrots, and cucumbers all have in common?
Serenity: their vegetables
Andrew: me like them, cause me like broccoli!

What's a tapestry?
Serenity: tapa what? its the street that has houses on it
Andrew: Dinosaurs, trucks, and games... he was off in another world


  1. Too cute! I love how Andrew answers most of the questions with "Me like..." ^_^ So adorable!

  2. These are so adorable and hilarious! I am now the host of SHort answers , and its cool to see people that have done it. Thanks for following my blog!


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