I haven't always been the greatest person! Who has?
Seriously though; I am not perfect no one is.
I woke up this morning so tired and groggy... I had to get my daughter ready for school...
Well I was checking my normal things I do on the Internet before I head into the routine of things of the day.
When I came across a read from the K-Love morning show (christian radio) that I felt led to read. I'm so glad that I did too!
if you wanna read; here's the link!
There is a great message in this posting!
I have to say that I miss a certain friend today! One that I have not talked to in over well I don't know 2 years or so... We had a falling out and I hate myself for the way that I treated her. We both made mistakes! I wish that I could go back and change things everyday... I miss the friendship that we had and the friendship that our kids had.
It was especially hard this year when I had my daughters birthday party because I so wanted to invite the one person that I thought wouldn't come. Still wish I had asked her and her daughters to come. It's hard to think about. I love this friend so much and no matter what was said or done I will always be there for her when and of she needs me.
On this day I want to say that I am sorry for hurting you the way that I did and I will never forget the memories that we shared and made together as friends!
Take care of yourself and please know that I am always here no matter the need!