Friday, August 24, 2012

A test of true friendships...

"A true friend doesn’t care when you are broke, being a "pain in the butt", what you weigh, if your house is a mess, what you drive, about your past, or if your family is filled with crazy people. Your conversations pick up where they left off, even if it has been months (or even years) apart. They love you for who you are."

This quote has become a reality to me in the past week!! 
I have had to look hard and deep into my friendships lately! 
I have figured out in the past week that there were people in my life that were obviously using me for whatever their reason may be and I've realized they were never truly my friend to begin with. 
I don't like that I have wasted my time and energy on these specific people, but I also realized that maybe they were put in my path to teach me to become more aware of my surroundings and to love the REAL friends that I DO have! 
I don't know what to think or necessarily how to feel about all this just yet, because I had a lot of memories with this person and I loved her family like they were my family. 
I'm confused and hurt all at the same time... It's hard to think about at times because they were a good part of my life or so I thought! 
I don't know what or how to feel about it all really?!??! 

For A Lifetime 2

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