Sunday, February 13, 2011

Letting GO!!

I used to rationalize keeping certain people in my life: they’re family, we have a history, they need a friend, etc. I thought I would feel guilty about letting them go…but in actuality I feel so much lighter, and without the massive energy drain, I feel more capable of creating and sustaining positive relationships.
I don't have a relationship with my father... there is nothing that I can do about that.I have tried and tried to reach out to him and to talk to him.
No one not one person is perfect, but I can only do so much when it comes to my dad. He wants no part in my life; that is the choice that he has made on his own. With that comes the fact that he doesn't have anything to do with my kids. I'm fine with that as of this moment.
I like this quote:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle”.
For A Lifetime 2

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