Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Short Answers

If you could meet anyone on Earth, past or present, who would you choose?
Serenity: God
Andrew: Serenity

If you could be good at one thing your not very good at right now, what would it be?
Serenity: kickball
Andrew: baseball

What's the Best dream you've ever had?
Serenity: me playing hop scotch
Andrew: hmmm... dreaming of baseball

What are the four basic food groups?
Serenity: chicken nuggets, hamburgers, broccoli, and biscuits.
Andrew: hmmm... nanas (bananas), chicken, strawberries, and fruit

What's the difference between a cow and a bull?
Serenity: they look the same, their noses are the same. one has long ears and the other one doesn't.
Andrew: bull honker.... he was saying what I always say. I say bull honkers when I think that something is bologna... you get what I mean? lol


  1. Oh no I don't think I ate anything from those 4 food groups today!! Very cute.

  2. I love how Andrew had fruit AND strawberries in his four basic food groups. heehee! So cute. ^_^

    Love your kids!
    Thanks for participating!


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