Friday, February 19, 2010

Five Question Friday!

My Little Life

1. Have you ever hit an animal with your vehicle?
Sadly I have purposely tried to hot a bird or two... I did it once and I actually hit the poor thing with my car and all you saw was feathers flying!... :(

2. When you see a string on your clothes do you pull it off or cut if off?
I usually have to pull it off because I notice it too late in the day when I am not around scissors!

3. Did you have your own room or share a room when you were young?
I usually had my own room but there were times when I had to share!

4. Would you rather wear the same thing for the rest of your life or eat the same thing for the rest of your life?
I think that I would rather wear the same thing for the rest of my life than eat the same thing...

5. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
When I came home from school I just had to watch cartoons or the Mickey Mouse Club and Kids Incorporated! Cartoons were like Gummi Bears, The Smurfs things of that nature!


  1. I know what you mean about strings! I usually just rip them off! :)

    I emailed you about blog design, in case you were still interested. ;)

    Love & Blessings,

  2. Ooooh, the Mickey Mouse Club!! Forgot about that one! Fun answers!!


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