Thursday, March 5, 2009

I dont get it...Yet I do!

Why can't some people just move on with their lives?
I don't understand what people get out of bothering others and trying to make others lives miserable.
I guess that I will never know what it is that you get out of trying to ruin our lives and trying to be better than everyone else.

Good luck with your life and try to stay away from mine. I am so glad that I live my life not trying to please others, but trying to please God.
He is the true reason why I should wake up and be happy that I am alive and well.
What more can I ask for when it comes to my life and what I get out of it?
Thankyou for your encouraging words daily and for always being by my side. Even when I fall short of your grace and I know that I should stay on the path of rightousness.

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