Thursday, July 16, 2009

Looking Forward to the Weekend

I can honestly say that I am so ready for the weekend.
It has been a long week and I am ready to call it quits and get some relaxing tine in.
The kids have been bugging me to take them swimming again and I think that I am going to go and buy a pool for them.
Its sad to say, but the pool where we live will probably NEVER be fixed.
I am going to ask the manager of the apartment complex if I can just set it up in the yard here by my front door, because they need something to play in besides the sprinkler.
Hopefully the answer will be yes. Worse case scenario is that I will have to empty it everyday and prop it up against the building.
Most likely what I would be doing anyways.

I broke down yesterday!
I bought my hubby an XBox 360...
some of you are probably thinking that I am behind the times; well I guess that I am.
I am glad that I waited though because we found a great deal and we got it all at a good price.
I like it as well because there are games that me and the kiddo's can play as well.
In all honesty though I am not a big video game player!

This weekend should be fun, if all goes as planned and I am able to relax. The hubby will be home for the weekend as well.
Looking forward to it!

Will post some pics of the kiddo's later!

1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow blogging mommy! I love your blog.

    Continue to strive to glorify God in all you do!



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