Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Its going to be a blast

This is going to be a jam packed month for our family.
I love it though.
I seriously think that every day of this month is filled with something to do.
I am glad though because it keeps me from being lonely and feeling unaccomplished.
I think that the next few months are all going to be pretty busy.
I look forward to it all and I have to say that I am thankful.

This is totally my favorite time of the year.
We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and my all time favorite is Christmas.

Serenity is going to be performing at half time in the high school football game tomorrow night and she is so excited about it too.
I think that its going to be cute too.

She has been practicing so hard to get everything down right.
I cant wait to video tape it and share it with you all.
Keep a look out for it!

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