Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Blog

To those of you that have commented on my Blog and the look of it.
I have to tell you that Traci over at Ordinary Inspirations for the Everyday Wife, Mom, and Homemaker made my Banner and picked the layout.

You all need to head over there and check out her Blog and see what she offers. Also it's cheap so it's affordable and I love that...!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Traci does such a good job! Your blog looks fantastic!

    As far as what to post on your blog for Wednesdays for Wyatt, just copy and post the whole thing. Start your blog off with something like. It's Wed. for Wyatt and here's a post from Danielle updating you to the status of her fight to have Wyatt's life recognized, If you haven't signed her petition, simply click on the button at the top of this post and it will take you straight to her petition. And don't forget to come back here and participate in Wednesdays for Wyatt yourself!

    Doesn't have to be exactly that, but you get the idea. Sorry if I was a bit vague in my post. I hear the bed calling my name right now! I'm so tired! How are you doing?


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