Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Short Answers

~How do you plan on staying Healthy this Summer?
Serenity: Ballet and runing with Daddy

~How do you spell CD?
Serenity: C...D.... uh C.D. it was too cute you had to hear it

~If you found a wallet full of money on your property, What would you do with it?
Serenity: Um; give it to momma and daddy

~Why do you sweat when your Hot?
Serenity: because our freaking car...
we dont have AC in our car...

~If you were a superhero what would your name be?
Serenity: same name... Serenity dont make me spell my own name


  1. Those were fun answers! :) What a cute blog by the way.

  2. You describe her as spunky and I can here her spunk in her answers too cute!

  3. lol. Cute answers. ^_^ Serenity is an awesome name for a superhero! Seriously--I can already picture her in a cape and ballet shoes, scouting the streets for children who have dropped their ice cream cones or lost their kittens. heehee.

    Thanks for joining in!


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