Found this in another BLOG and I have to tell you; this is exactly what is going on in my life at the moment.
I'm pretty sure that every portion of my life is currently operating in "full speed, high drama" mode!!!
My financial situation has recently become quite dire. Without going into too much detail, it involves much paperwork, many hours banging my head against a wall, countless tears and the returning of priceless items.
(Now with that all said!)
Although; I am so excited to think that we might be moving in the next few months if not before. I am ready to move on with my life. Its for the better. I am not sad or bitter; I am blessed! I am glad that it has come to the point that I can say that I am happy that I am moving on with my life. Usually I would say that I don't want to go because I have made friends for life here. Only 3..., but its still the fact that I know that its for the better. What more can I say. Its just going to be so nice to be able to call somewhere else home. I am excited.
Even with all the excitement of moving; I am still worried about some things and what the outcome might be. I know that I shouldn't worry too much because it always works itself out in the end, but its the fact that this is my personality. What can I say? I'm a worry wart! Again; my life is in a rut and I may be scarce here and there, but I am trying.
Sorry, Things should settle down after June 13th or so.
At least, I hope so!