Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

Today of course is Mother's Day and I have to say that it has been the best yet. I am so proud of both of my children and the fact that they respect me the way that children should rspect their parents. I woke up to a clean house... Mind you, when I went to bed; sadly the house was a wreck due to the fact that we had a Birthday Party for Serenity the night before. We were to worn out when we got home to really want to clean.
So I woke up to a clean house and to breakfast ready and hot and I was so excited to get the gifts that Serenity made me at school. I think thats the one thing that I was looking forward to the most. I was given a sweet little card with her handprint on it that also had a poem written with it. Needless to say; I cried like a baby when I read it. So did Michael...HAHA!
I spent most of the day playing dolls with Serenity and cars with Andrew. Michael is cooking dinner as we speak and I am just doodling around. I am so blessed to have such a sweet family that loves me. I am thankful that even when we least expect it we can have a great time with family. Im glad too that when we dont really have the money to do anything that we can have fun and still be spoiled anyway and not with a penny spent.
With all that said...

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